ATSE Sport

Association for Team Sport Entities

Association for Team Sport Entities
for all
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Goals and tasks
• Promotion of the importance of movement and sport
For a healthy body constant movement is essential;
To encourage young people to do sports for physical activity and as a leisure activity as an alternative to spend hours in front of the computer or indulge in alcohol and drugs.
• Promotion and establishment of healthy sports
Not all sport is healthy. In addition, the introduction of new sports to replace the unhealthy.
• Promotion of team sports
Professional sport should only be done as a team. Individual sport supports selfishness while team sport supports cooperation and social life.
• The establishment of a new team sports system where all team players can earn at least one additional income
Present system: A few top players earn an outrageous fortune and the other players of this sport get very little or nothing.
New system: The players are remunerated by ATSE and not by the clubs. However players employed by the clubs for other leagues can also be used for ATSE-leagues.
All players receive a basic wage and additionally victory bonuses (depending on the playing time and league incomes). In all leagues, even the lowest ones, the players are remunerated.
Sport shall provide the possibility for as many people as possible to earn an income and not to make a few people rich.
This also gives the unemployed an alternative to earn an income.
• Establishment of league events and sport facilities
Organization and supervision of team sport leagues;
Establishment of sport facilities for team sports and their operation;

For sports club managers
Sports clubs wanted for participation at team world championships and leagues. It can be started as soon as there are sufficient clubs registered.

Please register your club in the Team 9 - Team Manager game (time required at most only a few minutes per day).
This is a unique fundraising opportunity for your club! A cost-free method for any sports club worldwide.
The gained capital can be used later for the real league. In the meantime the club can become a virtual champion!
Current leader of sports clubs:

ATSE Sport © 2024; ATSE V.i.G., Liechtenstein (near Switzerland)
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